Things To Do When Solo On Valentine’s Day

There’s always so much hype about Valentine’s Day and in reality, it’s just another day. But even knowing that, there can still be some feelings when you’re celebrating it solo. So here are a few ways for you to make the day all about you!

According to research women feel most aroused when they feel desired and beautiful. You don’t need a partner to do this, you can put on something that makes you feel great about yourself (maybe some handmade lingerie, hint hint) and why not try self shooting some sexy boudoir pics! The serotonin hit you get from making yourself feel sexy is not to be underestimated!

There is no better time than now to try out that 10 step (okay maybe that’s excessive) skin care routine! Or you pull out your gua sha and try out some lymphatic drainage facial and chest massages, these are truly game changing! Maybe you could invest in a red light mask as a valentine’s day gift to yourself and put it on with your feet up against the wall - hello habit stacking!

Order in from your favourite restaurant - or if you like to cook, make yourself a fancy dinner. Watch a classic movie or check out a new series. Light some candles and listen to a podcast, whatever you’re into, just enjoy your own company! As we all know, sometimes it’s better than someone else's!

Create your own mini retreat by doing some yoga and meditations. Tuck the phone away and read a new book - fiction to transport yourself elsewhere or self help or spirituality to deepen your understanding of yourself and what you want for your future.

If you’re really dead set on not spending the day alone, why not meet up with a girlfriend for manicures and pedicures, or FaceTime a friend you haven’t talked to in a while and would love to reconnect with.

There really is no wrong way to spend the day but I think it’s the perfect opportunity to show yourself some love and do things that are going to fill your cup!


What To Wear For Your Boudoir Shoot